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In the middle of WMG's Fiction Anthology Works...
Tonya Price
I'm half-way through WMG's Fiction Anthology Workshop. Seven editors gather with sold anthologies and buy at pro rates stories for the anthologies. I do this every year to make sure I keep writing short stories in addition to my non-fiction books and fiction novels. This year I have already written 4 short stories, a crime story, an historical story that takes place in 1972 East Berlin, an historical detective short story that takes place Christmas 1863 right after the battle of Fredericksburg and a romance short story. We take a break between the middle of Dec and start up again Jan 6. We get the anthology assignment on Monday morning and the stories are due Sunday midnight pacific time (usually 2K to 6K words.)

The fifty writers who participate have formed a close bond and we do it as much as to see old friends as for the opportunity to sell the stories. Last year, one of the short stories written for the workshop won the Derringer award.
This is interesting Tonya. Two of the projects we have considered for HWA is a short story/essay contest, and from that, an anthology. Maybe you would consider participating in the planning?
Marie Parsons
I just came across this thread. The idea of HWA offering/sponsoring a short story/essay contest and/or anthology is a precious one. Hope this comes to be.
Marie, I'm working on it now! Hoping to announce in the next couple of weeks. The contest will be two parts - one for fiction, one for nonfiction. The hope is that we will eventually publish an anthology matching a short story with an essay on the same time period. Stay tuned!
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